Episode 10

10. Melancholy: the low wave. Working with Emotional definition.

Half the world’s population are Emotionally defined, that is, their Solar Plex Centre is coloured in on their chart. This powerful centre becomes our decision making authority in Human Design. There is no truth in the now for the emotionally defined and we are always on a “wave”, sometimes we are up and sometimes we are down. I recorded an episode while I was in a “low wave” to share how I work with this energy as it can often be labelled as depression. It is part of who we are, it is mechanics. I also talk about becoming aware of patterns and the experience of using junk food to suppress “negative” emotions, something Dr. Gabor Mate discusses in his work.

About the Podcast

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Undo: Uncovering Authenticity

About your host

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Ise Murphy

My goal is to empower authenticity through safety. With over seventeen years in the events industry keeping people safe, my work is to improve crowd safety and support people to feel safe to be authentically themselves.