Episode 9

9. On being a good Projector

What does it mean to be a good Projector? We are the newest types in Human Design, only showing up after 1781. We are essentially aliens in this world and are designed to be conditioned. Unless we are aware of this, we can take this conditioning on as believing that is who we are. It is this what caused the suffering in my life. Where I thought I could “manifest money”, I realised that Projectors (and everyone else actually) operate completely differently. I share through my experience what life can feel like when we are in alignment with who we really are.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Undo: Uncovering Authenticity
Undo: Uncovering Authenticity

About your host

Profile picture for Ise Murphy

Ise Murphy

My goal is to empower authenticity through safety. With over seventeen years in the events industry keeping people safe, my work is to improve crowd safety and support people to feel safe to be authentically themselves.